The basic needs of the people must be met holistically. This means that good living conditions must be createdthrough mentorship in various aspects. Educational programs should be implemented and a resource centers established from where thepractical application of basic life skills can be administered. It is also crucial that people must be brought to a place of economic empowerment.
The above will only be possible if we bring about a new paradigmwhich will elevate the people out of a mentality of suffering and defeat to a new mindset of the possibilities which awaits them. It is essential that the entire community be reached. Moreover, particular attention has to be paid to uniting the leaders of social, non-government and government institutions around one vision and shared values to bring about change. This change will come when people seethe role models in the community acting with integrity and the community becoming responsible for their own welfare. We need to foster a spirit of servitude where the wellbeing of the entirecommunity is a priority for everyone.
Desired Result
The proposed plan is to establish in mentorship in the communitybased on unity and a community spirit of goodwill. The plan must be aimed at changing the mindset of the people to elevate the people out of their circumstances into a sustainable changed lifestyle in which their needs will be met consistently. Such a paradigm shift it will ensure strong family values, economic growth, improved healthcare, improved moral standards as well as safety and security. The youth must be given purpose and hope for a bright future.
Comprehensive Plan
A comprehensive plan to achieve the above must be accompanied by a strong strategy and involvement from all related parties. It is our aim to work closely with all relevant role-players to achieve this. To achieve the goal of changing the paradigms of leaders and communities, to change the destiny of the people and to transform the communities to have prosperity, we have to unite in a single visionand shared values which will be embodied in various actions through a multitude of people, organisation and institutions.
Vision of the African Highway
The vision for the African Highway is to act as a forum to unite people, organizations and institutions, to minister to the basic needs of all the people of the communities in a holistic approach with a diverse number of programs in order to bring about a mindset change which will lead to sustainable change in all aspects of everyday life
- spiritually through discipleship;
- mentally through education from the basis of a resource center;
- physically through providing primary healthcare and the creation of good living conditions; and
- economically by empowering the people to earn a sustainable income.
These actions must be executed while covering the communities with prayer and a practical demonstration of how to imitate the life of Yeshua, our Messiah. All levels of society must be reached in partnership with community leaders in social, government and non-government institutions. The focus must always remain onministering to people in a family context to reach the illiterate andphysically challenged, while seeing to the people’s physical needs as well as to the development of the youth. The desired result is that the communities of Africa will recognize and serve Yeshua as Messiah in all aspects of their lives to establish unity and goodwill, which will, in turn, govern community life. The ministry actions must bring about a change of mindset, which will result in elevating the people out of their circumstances and bring about sustainable changed life styles. Such a paradigm shift will, in turn, be consistent in uplifting people economic to meet the needs of the peoples.
The long-term results in the communities are envisioned to be
- Strong family life;
- Sustainable economic growth;
- Improved healthcare;
- Elevated levels of education;
- High moral values;
- Youth with a vision for the future; and
- Safe and secure living conditions.
Model of the African Highway
When we approach a sustainable model for the transformation of communities it is only possible if we realize that all of the actions must happen on the basis of a strong community, which is involved in discipleship en mentoring on three levels.
The community needs to receive discipleship and mentoring from people outside of the community who can serve the community with counsel in all aspects of community living. This counsel will help to formulate vision and strategy, equip the leaders of the community for their task and to be an advisory service in the implementation of the plan.
The leadership of the community must in turn identify and raise up leadership in the community and equip those in the community who will be involved on all levels of the strategy of the plan for the community through discipleship and mentoring to fulfill the vision and strategy and to create the environment to have share values which will reach the long-term goals.
The community together with those who give them counsel must equip a team of people who can be commissioned to go and duplicate that which the community has implemented successfully in their own environment.
The community will thus receive discipleship, mentorship and counsel from others outside of their own community. They will give discipleship, mentoring and counsel to those in their community and they will also prepare a team of people who will go from the community to other communities to give to others that which they have learned to support other communities outside their geographical area.